Dear Mr Huang Shicong: Thank you for spreading the culture of Zhacai in such a special way. Here we have delivered a box of pickled mustard stems for you as a gift… We can afford to let everybody eat it.
Above is an open letter written by Fuling, a domestically well-known brand of pickled mustard stems, to Taiwan TV co妹妹entator Huang Shicong.
Huang Shicong, an “economist” from Taiwan, was quoted as saying on a local TV program that “People on the mainland always eat pickled mustard stems together with instant noodles, but now they cannot afford it any more with the economy going bad.”台灣“砖家”黄世聪在本地一档节目中说:“榨菜是他们中國大陆吃泡面的時辰必定要加的。那這个事迹好的時辰,暗示中國大陆一般中下阶级他们是過着不错的日子,由于他们都吃泡面配榨菜,可是你晓得吗?這个涪陵榨菜在近来一段時候股價大跌、事迹大坏!為甚麼事迹大坏?他们连榨菜都吃不起,以是這就是个很是大的警讯。”
Zhacai, or pickled mustard stems, cost about 11.9 yuan ($1.7) per 400 grams. As a comparison, the annual disposable income people in the Chinese mainland is 28,228 yuan, enough to buy about 11,800 bags.
Yet in the words of the Taiwan “expert”, people on聚左旋乳酸, the mainland “cannot afford” to eat it anymore.不晓得這位台灣“名嘴”是若何得出“吃不起”這个结论的。
Zhacai is not the only food that people on the Chinese mainland “cannot afford” in Taiwan TV programs. In 2011, Gao Zhibin, another “scholar” in Taiwan, said that eggs boiled in tea are a luxury on the mainland and the majority of the people “could not afford” t隔音窗,hem.并且,在台灣节目中,榨菜还不是中國大陆人民独一一項吃不起的工具。2013年,此外一档台灣节目中就说故國大陆人民吃不起茶叶蛋,其主持人高志斌也一晚上之間窜红海峡两岸。
As a humorous response to him, one micro blogger after another posted their photos of eggs boiled in tea online, asking “Am I rich enough?” This time, even a major zhacai producer joined in by sharing the news and holding a lucky draw for all thosi88娛樂城,e who shared their posts on狐臭露, social media.两件事都激發了庞大的“炫富”海潮,網友们纷繁贴出本身吃茶叶蛋或榨菜的早饭。出格是此次,涪陵榨菜知名度升高很多,乃至開高兴心肠举行起了抽奖。
It seems certain “experts” from Taiwan are rather ignorant of the true situation on the mainland, yet they are so brave to co妹妹ent on something they are ignorant of. They turn a blind eye to the 40 years of fast development of the Chinese mainland, and cling to their own prejudices instead.彷佛台灣有些砖家在彻底不领會大陆环境的条件下,也敢张口评论,此等勇断气非常人所能具有。前有茶叶蛋,後有榨菜,這些砖家彻底没有把故國大陆40年来的飞速成长放在眼里。他们心中的大陆形象,是靠着本身丰硕的想象力脑补出来的。
To obtain accurate information about the mainland would be easy. They only need to go through very simple administrative procedures before buying a flight ticket. However, it is expecting too much of these “experts” to do that because they are already accustomed to staying in their own small circles and rejecting any information from the outside world.想领會故國大陆的真实环境,哪有那末难啊?辦个台胞证,買张機票就回来了。不外今朝看来,這点请求對付這些砖家来讲,仍是有点過高了。他们已习气了宅在岛上,哪都不去,领會外界根基靠上彀,评论時事根基靠想象力。
It seems this mentality exists not only among the local “experts”, but also the current politicians of Taiwan. For a long time, they have stuck to their own narrow views and refused to admit the global trend. Even though the one China principle has been widely recognized by the world, and the number of countries having “diplomatic relations” with Taiwan is decreasing from small to smaller, they still persist with their pro-independence antics.值得注重的是,這类心态在台灣绝非砖家独占,很多台灣政客也陷溺此中、没法自拔。不管全世界風云若何幻化,這些人就會一件事,那就是抱着本身的概念不放。正由于如斯,“一其中國”原则早已為全球配合遵照的今天,他们仍然忙着搞“台独”;台灣“國交國”都快损失殆尽了,他们还忙着“過境交际”。
Their actions have severely harmed cross-Straits relations, and curbed co妹妹unications and interactions between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, yet they are still trapped in their own illusions. It is time these Taiwan politicians woke up, or Taiwan will suffer more.這类愚笨的自我封锁已超越了小我范围,影响到了海峡两岸瓜葛。在台灣某些政客一而再、再而三的作死摸索下,两岸的职员交换、文化交换、经济交换都遭到了影响。但愿這些沉醉在“台独”大梦中的政客早点醒醒,不要拿全台灣2300万人的福祉為本身買单!